修改文件 Example.php
$this->config = $default_config;//array_merge($default_config, $this->config);
pecl install swoole
<?php namespace Hanson\MyVbot; use Hanson\MyVbot\Handlers\Contact\ColleagueGroup; use Hanson\MyVbot\Handlers\Contact\ExperienceGroup; use Hanson\MyVbot\Handlers\Contact\FeedbackGroup; use Hanson\MyVbot\Handlers\Contact\Hanson; use Hanson\MyVbot\Handlers\Type\RecallType; use Hanson\MyVbot\Handlers\Type\TextType; use Hanson\Vbot\Contact\Friends; use Hanson\Vbot\Contact\Groups; use Hanson\Vbot\Contact\Members; use Hanson\Vbot\Message\Emoticon; use Hanson\Vbot\Message\Text; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; class MessageHandler { public static function messageHandler(Collection $message) { /** @var Friends $friends */ $friends = vbot('friends'); /** @var Members $members */ $members = vbot('members'); /** @var Groups $groups */ $groups = vbot('groups'); Hanson::messageHandler($message, $friends, $groups); ColleagueGroup::messageHandler($message, $friends, $groups); FeedbackGroup::messageHandler($message, $friends, $groups); ExperienceGroup::messageHandler($message, $friends, $groups); TextType::messageHandler($message, $friends, $groups); RecallType::messageHandler($message); if ($message['type'] === 'new_friend') { Text::send($message['from']['UserName'], '客官,等你很久了!感谢跟 vbot 交朋友,如果可以帮我点个star,谢谢了!'); $groups->addMember($groups->getUsernameByNickname('Vbot 体验群'), $message['from']['UserName']); Text::send($message['from']['UserName'], '现在拉你进去vbot的测试群,进去后为了避免轰炸记得设置免骚扰哦!如果被不小心踢出群,跟我说声“拉我”我就会拉你进群的了。'); } if ($message['type'] === 'emoticon' && random_int(0, 1)) { Emoticon::sendRandom($message['from']['UserName']); } // @todo if ($message['type'] === 'official') { vbot('console')->log('收到公众号消息:'.$message['title'].$message['description']. $message['app'].$message['url']); } if ($message['type'] === 'request_friend') { vbot('console')->log('收到好友申请:'.$message['info']['Content'].$message['avatar']); if (in_array($message['info']['Content'], ['echo', 'print_r', 'var_dump', 'print'])) { $friends->approve($message); } } //print_r($message); $re = 0; if($message["fromType"] == "Friend"){ $nick = $message['from']['NickName']; $re = 1; } if($message["fromType"] == "Group"){ $nick = $message['sender']['NickName']; if(@$message['isAt']){ $re = 1; } } if($re ==1 ){ $zi = mb_substr($message["message"],0,1,'utf-8'); $uni = self::unicode_encode($zi); $var = trim($uni); $len = strlen($var)-1; $las = $var{$len}; $url = "".$las."/".$uni.".gif"; //Text::send($message['from']['UserName'], "@".$nick." ".$url); if(!is_file(__DIR__."/img/".$uni.'.gif')){ $img = @file_get_contents($url); if(!empty($img)){ file_put_contents(__DIR__."/img/".$uni.'.gif',$img); Emoticon::send($message['from']['UserName'], __DIR__."/img/".$uni.".gif"); }else{ Text::send($message['from']['UserName'], "@".$nick." 找不到这个字的笔顺".$url); } }else{ Emoticon::send($message['from']['UserName'], __DIR__."/img/".$uni.".gif"); } } } private static function unicode_encode($name) { $name = iconv('UTF-8', 'UCS-2', $name); $len = strlen($name); $str = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $len - 1; $i = $i + 2) { $c = $name[$i]; $c2 = $name[$i + 1]; if (ord($c) > 0) { // 两个字节的文字 $s1 = base_convert(ord($c), 10, 16); $s2 = base_convert(ord($c2), 10, 16); if(ord($c) < 16){ $s1 = "0".$s1; } if(ord($c2) < 16){ $s2 = "0".$s2; } $str .= $s1 . $s2; } else { $str .= $c2; } } return $str; } }
itchat 调试完毕后,开始折腾聊天的server
首先准备好 torch 环境,然后安装 nn,rnn,async
sudo ~/torch/install/bin/luarocks install nn sudo ~/torch/install/bin/luarocks install rnn sudo ~/torch/install/bin/luarocks install async penlight cutorch cunn
git clone --recursive #代码 git clone --recursive #语料 git clone --recursive #以上两个在此源码进行改进,可作为参考
将 dgk_lost_conv 里的 解压放到外层目录
th train.lua –cuda –dataset 5000 –hiddenSize 100
-- Epoch 1 / 30 /root/torch/install/bin/luajit: ./seq2seq.lua:50: attempt to call field 'recursiveCopy' (a nil value) stack traceback: ./seq2seq.lua:50: in function 'forwardConnect' ./seq2seq.lua:67: in function 'train' train.lua:90: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' /root/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:150: in main chunk [C]: at 0x00405d50
修改 seq2seq.lua 如下 (50 – 70 行间)
function Seq2Seq:forwardConnect(inputSeqLen) self.decoderLSTM.userPrevOutput = --nn.rnn.recursiveCopy(self.decoderLSTM.userPrevOutput, self.encoderLSTM.outputs[inputSeqLen]) nn.utils.recursiveCopy(self.decoderLSTM.userPrevOutput, self.encoderLSTM.outputs[inputSeqLen]) self.decoderLSTM.userPrevCell = nn.utils.recursiveCopy(self.decoderLSTM.userPrevCell, self.encoderLSTM.cells[inputSeqLen]) end --[[ Backward coupling: Copy decoder gradients to encoder LSTM ]]-- function Seq2Seq:backwardConnect() if(self.encoderLSTM.userNextGradCell ~= nil) then self.encoderLSTM.userNextGradCell = nn.utils.recursiveCopy(self.encoderLSTM.userNextGradCell, self.decoderLSTM.userGradPrevCell) end if(self.encoderLSTM.gradPrevOutput ~= nil) then self.encoderLSTM.gradPrevOutput = nn.utils.recursiveCopy(self.encoderLSTM.gradPrevOutput, self.decoderLSTM.userGradPrevOutput) end end
训练之,1080ti 一轮大概 两个多小时。。。 30轮估计需要70小时。妇女节后见了。
eval.lua 的时候报错,不明所以,先放弃这个了,试试别的。
/root/torch/install/bin/luajit: /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:67: In 3 module of nn.Sequential: /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/torch/Tensor.lua:466: Wrong size for view. Input size: 100. Output size: 6561 stack traceback: [C]: in function 'error' /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/torch/Tensor.lua:466: in function 'view' /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/rnn/utils.lua:191: in function 'recursiveZeroMask' /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/rnn/MaskZero.lua:37: in function 'updateOutput' /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/rnn/Recursor.lua:13: in function '_updateOutput' /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/rnn/AbstractRecurrent.lua:50: in function 'updateOutput' /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/rnn/Sequencer.lua:53: in function </root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/rnn/Sequencer.lua:34> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:63: in function 'rethrowErrors' /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Sequential.lua:44: in function 'forward' ./seq2seq.lua:115: in function 'eval' eval.lua:90: in function 'say' eval.lua:105: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' /root/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:150: in main chunk [C]: at 0x00405d50 WARNING: If you see a stack trace below, it doesn't point to the place where this error occurred. Please use only the one above. stack traceback: [C]: in function 'error' /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Container.lua:67: in function 'rethrowErrors' /root/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Sequential.lua:44: in function 'forward' ./seq2seq.lua:115: in function 'eval' eval.lua:90: in function 'say' eval.lua:105: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' /root/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:150: in main chunk [C]: at 0x00405d50
换一个试试 ,tensorflow 的,而且还比较新
把之前下载的预料库中的 解压缩放到 chatbot 目录里
python3 训练之。
20轮,一轮大概30-40分钟(1070 显卡)
训练完之后执行 Python3 测试。
注意,tensorflow 在 1.4.1 下。
并修改 否则 sequence_to_sequence 会报
NotFoundError (see above for traceback): Key decoder/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/Attention_Wrapper/lstm_cell/bias not found in checkpoint
test( bidirectional=False, cell_type='lstm', depth=2, attention_type='Bahdanau', use_residual=False, use_dropout=False, time_major=False, hidden_units=512 )
聊天效果,chatbot_ad 的还行
训练chatbot_ad 的时候,readme 少了一步 。
Input Chat Sentence:我生病了 rl: ['我', '睡', '着', '了', '</s>', '</s>', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:我想我爱你 rl: ['我', '不', '知', '道', '你', '在', '说', '什', '么', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:你多大了? rl: ['你', '看', '上', '去', '不', '错', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:你好吗? rl: ['很', '高', '兴', '见', '到', '你', '</s>', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:什么时间了 rl: ['你', '要', '去', '哪', '儿', '</s>', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:去北京 rl: ['维', '克', '多', ',', '过', '来', '</s>', '</s>', '</s>', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:去哪? rl: ['我', '们', '得', '走', '了', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:走 rl: ['我', '们', '得', '走', '了', '</s>', '</s>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:走了 rl: ['你', '们', '都', '走', '了', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:去哪 rl: ['我', '也', '不', '知', '道', '</s>', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:干啥 rl: ['你', '在', '干', '啥', '啊', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:他是谁? rl: ['不', '知', '道', '为', '什', '么', '</s>', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:你是谁? rl: ['我', '是', '麦', '克', '墨', '菲', '医', '生', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:你哎我 吗? rl: ['我', '有', '话', '跟', '你', '说', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:你爱我 吗? rl: ['什', '么', '东', '西', '?', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:你爱我吗? rl: ['我', '爱', '你', ',', '宝', '贝', '</s>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>', '<unk>'] Input Chat Sentence:
chatbot_ad 用 bottle 改造了一个 url api接口用于和 itchat 对接。代码如下。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 对SequenceToSequence模型进行基本的参数组合测试 """ import sys import random import pickle import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import bottle sys.path.append('..') from data_utils import batch_flow from sequence_to_sequence import SequenceToSequence from word_sequence import WordSequence # pylint: disable=unused-variable random.seed(0) np.random.seed(0) tf.set_random_seed(0) _, _, ws = pickle.load(open('chatbot.pkl', 'rb')) config = tf.ConfigProto( device_count={'CPU': 1, 'GPU': 0}, allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False ) save_path_rl = './s2ss_chatbot_ad.ckpt' graph_rl = tf.Graph() with graph_rl.as_default(): model_rl = SequenceToSequence( input_vocab_size=len(ws), target_vocab_size=len(ws), batch_size=1, mode='decode', beam_width=12, bidirectional=False, cell_type='lstm', depth=1, attention_type='Bahdanau', use_residual=False, use_dropout=False, parallel_iterations=1, time_major=False, hidden_units=1024, share_embedding=True ) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() sess_rl = tf.Session(config=config) model_rl.load(sess_rl, save_path_rl) @bottle.route('/login/<w>', method='GET') def do_login(w): user_text = w x_test = list(user_text.lower()) x_test = [x_test] bar = batch_flow([x_test], [ws], 1) x, xl = next(bar) pred_rl = model_rl.predict( sess_rl, np.array(x), np.array(xl) ) #word = bottle.request.forms.get("word") str2 = ''.join(str(i) for i in ws.inverse_transform(pred_rl[0])) return str2'', port=8080) #表示本机,接口是8080
[2018-03-12 02:34:54][INFO] please scan the qrCode with wechat. [2018-03-12 02:35:01][INFO] please confirm login in wechat. Array ( [ret] => 1203 [message] => 当前登录环境异常。为了你的帐号安全,暂时不能登录web微信。你可以通过Windows微信、Mac微信或者手机客户端微信登录。 ) [2018-03-12 02:35:03] vbot.ERROR: Undefined index: skey [] [] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Undefined index: skey in /Users/zhiweipang/my-vbot/vendor/hanson/vbot/src/Core/Server.php:194